Anti-ageing uncovered

How’s this for a depressing list? Lines, wrinkles, age spots and tired lifeless complexions, increased sensitivity, delayed healing and reduced energy. Yup there are many (all too obvious)  signs of ageing.  And anti ageing products represent over 70% of all skin care sales, with manufacturers spending millions on advertising one age defying formula after another.

So how come nothing seems to work?

If you take away the advertising spend and the celebrities getting paid to endorse them, what are you left with? Well, basically there are 3 main product types which use the following methods:

  1. Essential Oils – To moisturize
    These products feel comforting, smell nice and add moisture to the top layers of your skin. Most experts agree that very little, if any of the product actually penetrates the skin. Even if they do, does your skin need or indeed recognise these oils?
  2. Acid based products – To strip and peel
    Revealing younger looking skin may sound great, but if you keep stripping the skin without giving something back, it’s only a matter of time before your skin becomes sensitive, dry and more reactional. A dryer, thinner skin will always age more quickly than a oily thicker skin.
  3. Concealers – To disguise and cover up
    Great for a quick fix or repair, but purely cosmetic and offering nothing to feed or repair the skin.

So why is Karin Herzog different?

Karin Herzog’s oxygen rich creams work in a completely different way to all other skincare products. They uniquely self penetrate the skin, replicating Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, detox on contact and deliver oxygen and water to the skin to dramatically increase circulation and hydration levels.

These levels would otherwise naturally decrease as we get older and are fundamentally responsible for the signs of ageing. Karin Herzog creams only contain what your skin needs and recognises – oxygen, water and vitamins.

Each and every time you apply Herzog, you are effectively ‘switching your skin on’. From an anti ageing view point, you will boost your hydration and circulation levels to where they were in your teens!

Need help choosing the right Karin Herzog skincare regime for you? Try using our eDerm service.

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