Archive for the ‘Cellulite’ Category

A Cellulite Cream That Works!

July 29, 2010

We’re very excited about an article that’s just been published by AOL USA!

AOL StyleList’s beauty editor tested our amazing anti-cellulite products ‘Dynamic Duo’ and has raved about the results.

“After about a weeks use my cellulite looked less apparent – the orange peel texture was noticeably lessened, and my thighs seemed a little skinnier. I have to confess that I did not measure my thighs for an absolute reading, but I can say that they did seem to feel slimmer and more toned. I definitely felt better about wearing shorts, and even borrowed a pair much shorter than I’m usually willing to go from my younger sister.”

You can read the whole article here.

Plus we’ve got an amazing offer on Dynamic Duo in the USA, so stock up now!

And remember, we’re also the number one choice of A-list celebs including Tom cruise, Victoria Beckham, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston and Renee Zellweger. 

If you need any more information about Karin Herzog, whether you need product advice or if you’re a journalist and would like more information either in the UK or the USA, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

And remember, if you subscribe to this blog, you’ll always find out about our amazing products and fantastic special offers!

Heat wave essentials!

June 28, 2010

Phew it’s hot! We’re loving the summer sun, but it’s easy to let your beauty regime slide when you’re enjoying a heat wave, so we thought we’d share some inside info with you on our number one summer multi-tasking product!

Oxygen Body 3% from Karin Herzog increases natural oxygen and water content in the skin, which means it simultaneously detoxes,  cleanses (inside and out), hydrates, balances, heals, repairs and tan accelerates while also maximising and stimulating collagen and melanin production.

Wow. So what does this all mean?

  • Tan accelerater  – meaning you’ll get a better tan from shorter sun exposure
  • Tan maximiser – water and hydration levels are so high skin stays supple and golden longer, not dry and flaky
  • Banish heat rash and prickly heat
  • Apply as antiseptic for stings and bites  (you can use it on the kids also)
  • Reduces DVT risk during long haul due to increasing circulation (read the article)
  • Helps re-shape and reduce cellulite (although Silhouette with 4% oxygen is more intense treatment for cellulite)
  • Banishes fungal or other nail infections and makes toe nails look fabulous
  • Anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial action means this cream can tackle almost any unwanted infection and is great first-aid on holiday abroad
  • Helps reduce and prevent hard skin on heals
  • Great to apply to individual breakouts on the skin or blisters from sun dehydration
  • Helps tan-over uneven skin pigmentation or white patches
  • Reduces blistering and burning
  • Great to sooth hot skin as an after sun due to the additional water which is driven into the skin
  • Helps reduce bloating when applied to abdomen, can even help settle upset stomach
  • Helps prevent ingrowing hairs and other problems from waxing, see more here
  • Contains no parabens or preservatives
  • Safe to use on children and during pregnancy and breast feeding, see more here

As our MD, Julie Cichocki says: “Its like taking a chemist and therapist away on holiday with you”.

Any questions? just drop us a line, we’d love to help.

Tennis girl smashes cellulite!

June 23, 2010

Now you can tone AND tan!

May 27, 2010

Dynamic Duo, our anti-cellulite treatment, is already one of the most popular ways for women to get into shape before hitting the beach, but now it’s even better with the addition of Tone & Tan.

Tone & Tan is based on the amazing toning and re-contouring effects of original Tonus B12 , with lashings of potent green tea and concentrated vitamin B12, but this time it’s also got a self tanning element to ensure you have a gorgeous glow before getting into your swimwear.

A safe, quick and effective way to shape the body and tone whilst also generating a beautiful, natural looking healthy tan, all at the same time. No parabens and completely preservative free, this new product is already in high demand.

Used alonsgide our oxygen therapy in Silhouette, Tone & Tan gives a healthy looking glowing tan that is both beautiful and safe. Oxygen revives and energises like nothing else and really brings the skin to life, plus it detoxes, hydrates and heals the skin. The tan achieved will not only look more realistic and natural but will be vibrant and fresh not to mention healthier and safer.

  • Tone & Tan is based on our ever popular Tonus B12 but with the added benefit of a self tanning agent
  • Paraben, and preservative FREE!
  • Not tested on animals

Available as part of the new Dynamic Tone & Tan (includes Silhouette) for the amazing price of just £52 (RRP £73), or alone for £37.50

Summer’s here! It’s time to wax!

May 21, 2010

It looks like the summer is finally here, but as the sun comes out, so do our hairy bits! If you want to look super confident like the bikini clad lady in our picture, you’ll need to think about hair removal.

Waxing is a fantastic way to remove unwanted hair,   the results are longer lasting and less damaging to the skin than some methods and it’s what most of us turn to when faced with wearing swimwear.

But there can be one drawback: waxing can increase in-growing hairs. This is due to the hair being pulled from the follicle but breaking just slightly under the skin – and so springing back and curling. This curling can cause the hair to continue to grow, but as it can’t push through the epidermis it coils under the skin. The result is a bulging raised lump that can grow as the hair grows. Uncomfortable AND unsightly.

When waxing the body we always recommend applying a fine layer of Karin Herzog Oxygen Body 3% as a multi-functional aftercare product. The oxygen and water delivered from this patented cream will have many benefits, including:

1) Soothes and calms
2) Diminishes heat and redness
3) Sterilizes and hyper-cleanses to prevent harmful bacteria and germs from penetrating open follicles
4) Makes the skin silky smooth and hydrated, as waxing can leave it dry
5) Encourages the skin to re-build itself so waxing does not overly thin or damage the skin

PLUS  it prevents in-growing hairs. It does this because as oxygen gas leaves the cream upon contact with the skin it penetrates all three layers of the skin. When it reaches the hair follicle the force of oxygen pressure  causes the hair to grow at an exaggerated angle as it plumps the hair shaft. This now plumped and strengthened hair is able to force up through the epidermis and so an in-growing hair is avoided!

If you’re waxing your face, choose your regular Karin Herzog oxygen facial cream – either Oxygen Face Cream, Vita-A-Kombi 1 or 2,  or Vita-A-Apricot. If you need help deciding which is best for you, just ask.

Don’t think about getting waxed without a little help from Karin Herzog!

NB If you’re anything like us, your chances of looking like the lovely lady in the picture above are also greatly increased by using our Dynamic Duo.

Poll: What your biggest skincare worry?

May 5, 2010

Poll: What most concerns you about your skin?.

Dynamic Duo offer!

April 27, 2010

Buy a set of our best selling anti cellulite and toning kit, Dynamic Duo now, and we’ll give you a £10 voucher towards your next purchase.

We want to help you look your best all summer long. Karin Herzog’s Dynamic Duo has helped thousands of women (including A-list celebs) to get into shape. This incredible kit contains two creams, Silhouette contains 4% oxygen to help blast away toxins and to heal and replenish, and Tonus B12 which contains vitamin B12, sesame, avocado, jojoba and jasmine to tone, condition and nourish.

Here’s what some of our customers have said:

“These creams have given me the smoothest thighs and bottom I can EVER remember having!”

“My cellulite has practically disappeared. Amazing.”

“I noticed a difference in the texture of my skin within three days of using the creams…I can highly recommend this product to anyone wanting to bare their legs in a swimsuit this summer.”

Read more customer comments here

Dynamic Duo is currently £45 from our website.

Karin Herzog has a huge celebrity following including Kylie, the Beckhams and Cameron Diaz, find out more here.

Offer ends Friday 30th April 2010, vouchers codes become valid from 1st May 2010. Sorry, offer cannot be used with any other offer or promotional code.

Using Herzog during pregnancy & breast feeding

April 20, 2010

We are often asked if our products are safe to use during pregnancy and breast feeding. So we’d like to help explain how and why Karin Herzog products are so beneficial at this important time in your life.

There are no preservatives or parabens in our Oxygen creams, so they are kind and therapeutic to both you and the baby. Using the Oxygen Body 3% daily will help keep the body hygienic and energised and help strengthen the systems of the body.

If you are breast feeding, help keep the ducts clear and free flowing and the abdomen healthy and detoxed by applying Oxygen Body 3% to the abdomen and breast area every morning and night. It’s also a brilliant eight hour active under-arm deodorant, and importantly, it ensures your nipple area is hygienic and germ-free ready for your baby

New mums also find that our Dynamic Duo is a great way to start getting back into shape post-birth, without spending time away from their baby or over exerting themselves.  Dynamic Duo helps to firm, lift and tone, reduce cellulite, hydrate, detox, reduce stretch marks, reduce swelling and water retention and increase metabolism making it the number one choice for many women and was recently used by Coleen Rooney after the birth of her son.

If you’ve any questions, or need any help or advice, please get in touch!

Karin Herzog teams up with Jaeger

April 16, 2010

Last night we were at Jaeger’s flagship store on London’s Regent Street, at a special event for Jaeger’s top spending loyalty card customers!

A team of our top therapists from the amazing Ajala Spa (in the Grange Hotel, St Paul’s) offered the special guests a Karin Herzog Hand & Arm Massage, as seen in the picture above.  The therapists also gave a  fascinating demonstration of how our oxygen therapy works, (using Silhouette Cream), to show how the oxygen and water penetrates the skin and then travels beneath to heal and repair the surrounding area.

The lucky guests also got to take away a Karin Herzog goodie bag!

A fantastic evening was had by all, and we look forward to working with Jaeger again, plus other exciting partners in the near future. Watch this space for more information.

Fight the post-easter bulge!

April 6, 2010

Did you over indulge this weekend? Easter wouldn’t be easter without chocolate, but if like us you’re feeling a little bloated today, we’ve got the answer!

Dynamic Duo is a combination of two unique products:

Silhouette with 4% oxygen to help blast away toxins and to heal and replenish
Tonus B12 with vitamin B12, sesame, avocado, jojoba and jasmine to tone, condition and nourish

The key ingredient in this dynamic kit is oxygen. Our Silhouette Cellulite Cream is formulated to act locally on the parts of the body which are most liable to deposits and massing of fat. Using a patented formula this cream disperses adipose tissue by forcing oxygen gas deep into the tissues, blasting away toxins that block the capillaries which causes uneven bumpy skin. This unique oxygen cream provides the skin with enough energy to wash away the toxins and maintain healthy, vibrant smooth skin whilst increasing hydration levels that remain high all day. Silhouette increases circulation and improves the skins natural repairing and regenerative properties and prevents the laying down of fatty deposits.

And as if that wasn’t enough, we’ve had some amazing reviews!

The Daily Mail said “Yes you can get rid of cellulite in one month!”

MSN said “I can honestly say my skin is starting to feel smoother and look more toned”

Or take a look at our press page for more reviews.

Dynamic Duo is available for only £45, saving you a massive £23 compared to buying the products individually.

Click here to order.