Archive for the ‘nursing’ Category

Get your bust in shape for Autumn fashion!

September 7, 2010

This year’s autumn and winter fashion is vintage inspired; think post war swirling skirts with yards of fabric, cinched in tight with figure hugging tops. Not only gorgeous but perfect for showing off womanly curves, but even the most fabulous boobs need a little help staying firm and sexy!

Karin Herzog’s Silhouette strengthens the sinews, fibres and connective tissues that support and hold the breasts. Regular use of Silhouette will help keep them pert and youthful, and prevent sagging. Also elastin fibres within the skin are strengthened to improve elasticity in the skin in this region to prevent and heal stretch marks.

As a double benefit, Silhouette is also a brilliant, safe and natural deodorant that helps to really look after the delicate bust area and helps to detox the region.

All Karin Herzog products are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Using Herzog during pregnancy & breast feeding

April 20, 2010

We are often asked if our products are safe to use during pregnancy and breast feeding. So we’d like to help explain how and why Karin Herzog products are so beneficial at this important time in your life.

There are no preservatives or parabens in our Oxygen creams, so they are kind and therapeutic to both you and the baby. Using the Oxygen Body 3% daily will help keep the body hygienic and energised and help strengthen the systems of the body.

If you are breast feeding, help keep the ducts clear and free flowing and the abdomen healthy and detoxed by applying Oxygen Body 3% to the abdomen and breast area every morning and night. It’s also a brilliant eight hour active under-arm deodorant, and importantly, it ensures your nipple area is hygienic and germ-free ready for your baby

New mums also find that our Dynamic Duo is a great way to start getting back into shape post-birth, without spending time away from their baby or over exerting themselves.  Dynamic Duo helps to firm, lift and tone, reduce cellulite, hydrate, detox, reduce stretch marks, reduce swelling and water retention and increase metabolism making it the number one choice for many women and was recently used by Coleen Rooney after the birth of her son.

If you’ve any questions, or need any help or advice, please get in touch!